Posts Tagged ‘pyramids’

Here from the darkness I watch you and you have no idea, not one clue
If you knew I was watching you, I know I would probably scare you away
I don’t want to scare you, but my choices here remain very few
I only exist in the darkness, never again will I see the light of day.

Every night at about the same time, from my little corner, I watch you every night as you prepare to run
Every day you do this, it is my only opportunity, to see you each and every day
If only we could do something together, not in the darkness, but in the light of day, under the warm bright sun
Maybe have a picnic, where like children, we could run and play

I so wish for this, I would never hurt you, but I don’t think you would ever understand me
But I am afraid to make my presence known, I don’t want to scare you or make you fear me
I so wish I could take you in my arms, but I guess this just wasn’t meant to be
I just wish you knew how I felt about you and from me you would never flee.

You have no idea when you run at night, how safe you really are
I watch you every step your every move, why I’m here no one will ever hurt you
On this one particular night, something happened, which would make you know me, I could no longer watch from afar
While you are running, a man jumps out, he has wicked thoughts, he plans to rape you leave you black and blue.

I can’t allow this to take place, so from the darkness, I make my debut
Seeing me, the man runs away, as if saying he wants no part of me
You run to me, saying I am your hero, hugging me, my true identity to this you haven’t a clue
Then you look into my eyes and then you start to back away, but then you stop you do not run away, you do not flee.

You come closer then you ask me why I look do different from other men, why my eyes are blood red, my skin so very white?
I then tell you the truth, my feelings, and an unquenchable thirst, that always must be fed
Telling you of my hopes and dreams, how I try to always keep you within my sight
You don’t run away, as you caress my face, you say you are not afraid, you know I am of the undead.

Lanaia Lee