Posts Tagged ‘aliens’

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Trench coat, guns, knife

Student’s mother charged on 10th anniversary of Columbine massacre

A woman wearing a trench coat outside Gulf Breeze High School was arrested Monday after police found she had brought two guns and a knife to campus.

Judy Hall’s arrest came on the 10-year anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings that left 12 students and a teacher dead in suburban Denver. The two students who carried out the massacre were dressed in trench coats.

Police are not sure why Hall, 61, brought the guns to campus on the anniversary of the Columbine shootings.

“The mother did not identify that she was trying to make a connection to Columbine,” Gulf Breeze Police Chief Peter Paulding said. “But it did involve a trench coat and guns, and this is the 10th anniversary.”

Hall of Finch Drive in Gulf Breeze was booked into Santa Rosa County Jail on Monday on charges of carrying a concealed gun, bringing a gun to a school, and resisting arrest without violence. She still was in custody Monday night.

No one was injured at Gulf Breeze High, and no weapons were fired in the incident.

Paulding said Hall was arrested after going to the school to talk with Gulf Breeze school resource officer Kerstan Tatro about an incident at the school Friday involving Hall’s son, who is a freshman.

Hall was concerned about some students confronting her son about postings he allegedly made on the Web sites YouTube and MySpace that made reference to students at the school being hurt, according to a police report.

“The rumor was he was posting a hit list,” Paulding said. “I believe it is unlikely it would have been up for that length of time and someone would not have caught it.”

Paulding said the department checked both Web sites and could not find any postings about Gulf Breeze students. The last time Hall’s son logged into his MySpace account was Jan. 6, the chief said.

Trench coat

After Tatro initially met Hall in the school parking lot Monday morning, he told her to meet him in his office to discuss her concerns. At the time, she was not wearing a trench coat, according to a police report.

Later, from his office window, Tatro saw Hall put on a trench coat. Paulding said it appeared that Hall’s son tried to talk to his mother out what she was doing.

Tatro immediately left his office to confront Hall after seeing her put on the trench coat. Tatro approached Hall in the parking lot and the two started discussing the Internet posting rumor, the report said.

The officer told Hall the rumor came up Friday, but it did not concern her son. Tatro told Hall that a student with a similar name to her son’s was the subject of the Internet rumors, according to a police report.

Hall told the officer that “anyone could walk in the school with a trench coat on and a gun in their pocket and start killing people,” Gulf Breeze police said in a news release.

Hall then told the officer that she had a handgun in her coat pocket. Tatro searched her and found an unloaded .22-caliber gun.

The officer also found a folding knife on Hall, police said.

Other officers went to the school to help Tatro, and a loaded .380-caliber gun was found in Hall’s truck. Hall’s home was searched, and two handguns, two rifles and a shotgun were found, police said.

Students on edge

The incident had parents and students worried about safety at the school.

About 170 students were checked out of school by parents Monday, said Becky Brown, assistant principal for student services. The school has about 1,500 students.

Denice Brown picked up her son at his request. Brown’s 16-year-old son is a friend of Hall’s son, and he was upset.

“We know the family and don’t know what brought (Hall) to this point,” Brown said. “This is not a part of her normal character.”

Doris Platt received an e-mail about the incident from Gulf Breeze middle and high schools. She has children who attend both schools.

“I wonder what the lady was thinking,” she said. “I understand you want to prove a point, but this is not the way to go about it.”

Initially, sophomore Casey Platt, thought talk of the incident was a joke.

“Then, I was kind of scared,” she said. “People were saying random stuff, but the teachers talked to us about it and said everything was OK. Then, I was at ease.”

Gulf Breeze High School Principal Sylvan Ladner said in his 35 years with the school this was the first time he recalls a parent being arrested for having a gun on campus.

“Our school is safe, and we are always looking for measures to make it even safer,” he said. “Most of our exterior doors are kept locked from the start of first-period class until the afternoon.”

Thyrie Bland • • April 21, 2009

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.

The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.

We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans. It’s not about Left or Right: it’s about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.

Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:

– Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.

– Obama’s handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.

– International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.

– Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.

– The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.


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New Lunar Rover

Apollo 15 Lunar Rover final resting place.jpg

NASA’s new lunar rover (pictured) is being tested this weekend in the Arizona desert. Unlike previous moon buggies, this prototype vehicle features a pressurized cabin that will allow astronauts to work on the lunar surface for days without the use of a spacesuit. NASA is planning a return to the moon in 2020. View the report by Fox News correspondent Casey Stegall.


Xbox’s Red Ring of Lawsuits

Disgruntled fans band together to sue Microsoft over a critical Xbox failure.

Friday Recap

In the first hour, guest host Whitley Strieber (email) welcomed Dr. Roger Leir, who discussed his most recent implant removal surgery. Then, ufologist Frank Feschino spoke about the Flatwoods Monster incident of September 12, 1952…cont. //–>
Plus busted: Smugglers get caught hiding drugs inside a Playstation 2.


The Mysterious Zodiacal Light

During the next few weeks on some clear moonless early morning, if you are fortunate to be far from any haze and bright lights, keep a close watch on the eastern horizon about two hours before sunrise. If you’re lucky you might catch a glimpse of a ghostly column of light extending upward into the sky. 

Many have been fooled into thinking that it’s beginning of morning twilight and indeed the Persian astronomer, mathematician and poet Omar Khayyam (1050? -1123?) referred to this ghostly glow as the “false dawn” in his poem, The Rubaiyat. 

That faint ghostly glow was once thought to be solely an atmospheric phenomenon: perhaps reflected sunlight shining on the highest layers of Earth’s atmosphere.  We know now that while it is indeed reflected sunlight, it is being reflected not off our atmosphere, but rather off of a non-uniform distribution of interplanetary material; debris left over from the formation of our solar system. 

These countless millions, if not billions of particles – ranging in size from meter-sized mini-asteroids to micron-sized dust grains — seem densest around the immediate vicinity of the sun, but extend outward, beyond the orbit of Mars and are spread out along the plane of the ecliptic (the path the sun follows throughout the year).  Hence the reason for the name Zodiacal Light is because it is seen projected against the zodiacal constellations. 

Before the break of dawn

The best time to see the Zodiacal Light is when the ecliptic appears most nearly vertical to the horizon.  For those in the Northern Hemisphere, the best morning views in the eastern sky will come during the next few weeks without the interference of bright moonlight. Conversely, for those who live in the Southern Hemisphere, the best views now are in the western evening sky right after sunset. 

Those who live in the tropics or at the equator are luckiest of all since the Zodiacal Light is always very conspicuous from these regions.  This is probably because from these locations the ecliptic is always favorably oriented allowing views of the Zodiacal Light both in the western evening sky and eastern morning sky all year long. 

For northerners at this particular time of the year, it is just before morning twilight begins (about 90 minutes before sunrise), that the Zodiacal Light should appear at its brightest and most conspicuous. 

A ghostly slanted pyramid

The Zodiacal Light is something you have to see to believe. 

My best views of it came from southeast Arizona back in 2001.  I had chosen that part of the country for a view of a pristinely dark and starry sky to serve as the backdrop for an upcoming display of Leonid meteors.  Imagine my surprise when I stepped outside on my first early morning watch, and was surprised to see what looked like the glow of a town or small city just beyond the horizon to my east.  It took a while for me to realize that what I was seeing was not urban light pollution, but the Zodiacal Light!

To a discerning eye, its diffuse shape somewhat resembles a tilted cone, wedge or slanted pyramid.  At the base of the cone, the light may extend some 20 to 30-degrees along the horizon.  At its best, it can approach or even equal the Milky Way in brightness, but more often than not it is so faint that even a small amount of atmospheric haze can obscure it.  On exceptionally clear nights, the tapering cone might be seen to stretch more than halfway to the zenith. 

In fact, should you be blessed with such conditions – absolutely no artificial lighting, smoke or haze – you should also try to see the Zodiacal Band, which runs along the entire ecliptic and usually averages about 5 to 10-degrees in apparent width.    


There is yet another ghostly glow in the sky which few have seen or heard about. 

This is the Gegenschein, derived from a German word meaning “counterglow,” since it is always opposite or “counter” in position to the sun in the sky.  The Gegenschein is visible only with the unaided eye, as it is far too large and diffuse to be viewed with a telescope or even binoculars. 

The exact nature of the Gegenschein is still somewhat of a mystery, though most think that – like the Zodiacal Light – it might be some sort of tail formed by minute particles from our atmosphere that are streaming out into space away from the Earth in the opposite direction from the sun.    






Stoned Age

Scientists: Prehistoric man used herbal mixtures to get high


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October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Celebrate October by Saving Second Base

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) (also referred to locally as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM)) is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer.

As well as providing a platform for breast cancer charities to raise awareness of their work and of the disease, BCAM is also a prime opportunity to remind women to be breast aware for earlier detection

Have you squeezed a boob today?

Click here to go see this design on t-shirts, canvas bags, mugs, etc.

Pink days

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month each October, people raise money by organizing activities such as theme parties or a “pink day” (when employees wear pink clothing or accessories) at work. The money raised is donated to the organizers’ choice of breast cancer care or research programs.

Dont Let Cancer Steal Second Base

Click here to go see this design on t-shirts, canvas bags, mugs, etc.

Throughout NBCAM’s history, Program Leaders have developed many creative ways to reach women. These items provide BRIGHT IDEAS to reach women in the clinic, at the workplace, and in the community. Some of these ideas may work for you or inspire new thoughts. NBCAM’s educational campaign, “Pass the Word,” consists of communication initiatives to facilitate a woman’s decision to engage in early detection of breast cancer. As program leaders, you can help women and the community understand the importance of a triad of behaviors that includes mammography screening, clinical breast exams performed by health care providers, and breast self-examination.

Rock da Pink Breast Cancer Awareness

Click here to go see this design on t-shirts, canvas bags, mugs, etc.

Pink Turtles Fight Cancer

Click here to go see this design on t-shirts, canvas bags, mugs, etc.

Breast Cancer Awareness Survivor

Click here to go see this design on t-shirts, canvas bags, mugs, etc.


Black Bear Visits South Lake Tahoe Hospital

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE (AP) ― Patients and doctors at a hospital atLake Tahoe had a bit of a scare last week when a bear paid a visit.
The California black bear strolled through the first set of automatic sliding glass doors at Barton Memorial Hospital’s main entrance.
The hospital’s surveillance cameras caught the bear on film. Once the animal came upon the second set of automatic doors it became spooked and headed the other direction.
Ironically, at the front of the hospital stands a 6-foot-tall fiberglass “Dr. Bear” sculpture.


Simpson guilty on all charges in robbery trial

O.J. Simpson is handcuffed after a verdict of guilty on all counts was read following his trial at the Clark County Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas on Friday, Oct. 3, 2008. The verdict comes 13 years to the day after Simpson was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. (Photo/Steve Marcus, Pool)
Click photo to see slideshow.

LAS VEGAS – O.J. Simpson, who went from American sports idol to celebrity-in-exile after he was acquitted of murder in 1995, was found guilty Friday of robbing two sports-memorabilia dealers at gunpoint in a Las Vegas hotel room. A weary and somber Simpson released a heavy sigh as the charges were read by the clerk in Clark County District Court. He was immediately taken into custody. The Hall of Fame football star was convicted of kidnapping, armed robbery and 10 other charges for gathering up five men a year ago and storming into a room at a hotel-casino, where the group seized several game balls, plaques and photos. Prosecutors said two of the men with him were armed; one of them said Simpson asked him to bring a gun. The verdict came 13 years to the day after Simpson was cleared of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman, in Los Angeles in one of the most sensational trials of the 20th century. Simpson’s co-defendant, Clarence “C.J.” Stewart, 54, also was found guilty on all charges in the Las Vegas case and taken into custody.


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Predictions of UFO visitation October 14, 2008

Adama’s Confirmation About October 14th

Guio e tiso! For those who know, there has been quite a commotion about October 14th 2008 being the day an ET ship will appear for the world to see like never before. Many channelers and psychics have already put their two cents in, in confirming this day and event. Now it is my turn to emit a message that not only confirms this but explains it with further detail.

For those who don’t know, I am Commander Adama. I am a Galactic Federation of Light representative of Planet Earth and have daily contact with these higher dimensional beings from our galaxy and Universe. For quite some time I have been told about an event of this magnitude happening, but until now was not permitted to write about it publically. Anyway, let me get right to the information you all wish to hear.

I am confirming to an extent that on October 14th 2008 there will be a Galactic Federation of Light ship stationed for a period of three days over the southern-most parts of the United States of America. Exactly where is still unknown. This IS an event that is planned to occur. What is important for everyone to remember is that this is a prediction of an event for your future.

Since it is impossible to predict the future, this event is in no way shape or form concrete in happening on October 14th 2008. Simply put, it depends upon the energetic signature of this event and its fluidity within the flow of manifestation between now and this date. It is important to not set up expectations solely upon this date as it is dependent upon the fluidity of the energies flowing through this planet, and events planned to manifest into your reality due have a tendency in changing the relative linear time as to when it will concretely happen. So basically what I am saying is that this event may happen on October 14th 2008, but there are also infinite possibilities that it may happen sooner or later than expected. These facts are key to understanding this event and its manifestation into your collective reality.

“Okay, so whether it happens on October 14th 2008 or sooner or later than expected, what can we expect to see and hear?”

When this event does occur, one of the Galactic Federation of Lights ships will appear within the southern-most parts of the United States of America; somewhere within the southern states. The reason why this is planned within the United States of America is due to the power structures that have the most amount of planetary control which is in this country. The Illuminati stronghold exists here which is why the GFOL is focusing on it to do two things. To create an event in which the whole planet can see the truth about life within your Galaxy and Universe and that it in fact does exist, as well as showing the Illuminati that their time is over as controllers and manipulators, and a new era of life is ready to be born! This event is what will jumpstart the proverbial ball to start rolling downhill symbolizing the process’ of extraterrestrial beings getting ready to assist humanity in transforming into a new reality.

“Okay, so let’s get to the actual event. I want to know how big this ship is, and what it will do if anything? Will it interact with us?”

The ship will be anywhere from 2,000 – 5,000 feet in length. It will be big enough to not deny but small enough to not create a lot of fear. What will it do? It will do two particular things which are significant.

1) It will emit a series of energies to both the world and the surrounding areas to limit the levels of fear or chaos that may erupt within some people. Large levels of these feelings and emotions will not occur.

2) It will emit telepathic messages to people within the surrounding areas but may be heard by a larger amount of the planets population depending upon what is needed and what is the most beneficial. These telepathic messages will tell people about the event, who they are, that they come in peace, as well as other things.

This event is planned to happen over a three day period in which the ship itself will not move at all. It will blip into your reality, and exit the same way. It will do this within the medium to higher aspects of the level of atmosphere known as the troposphere.

“But when this event occurs, won’t the Illuminati try to make the world believe that this is an alien invasion? And what if they try to censor this from the world’s media?”

Very good question! This is a question thought by a lot of people. The simple answers are NO for both questions. Why? The GFOL has planned this event in such a way that it will have a positive major impact within humanity as well as the dark. The Illuminati’s power is dwindling as each second passes. They do not have the power they once had. Will this stop them from trying to do what was asked? Probably not. But when an event of this magnitude happens, it is something that cannot be denied by anyone, even governments. This ship which is going to appear cannot be quickly debunked as some type of atmospheric phenomena or some other gaseous event, or even a “weather balloon.” When tens of thousands, if not more, are also saying that this ship has communicated with them in a peaceful benevolent manner, what is the world or its governments say to cover this up? There is nothing!

“So if October 14th comes and goes, and this event does not occur, what should we do or think?”

This is exactly why it is important not to set sole expectations upon this date. If this event does not happen then, then all that means is that there has been a slight shift in the energies of this event which has prolonged its manifestation. If this in fact does occur, a time frame you could expect to have it manifest is from October 15th 2008 until February 1st 2009. Know that whatever happens, the GFOL are always approaching their plans to assist in a manner that is the most beneficial for the planets humanity as a whole collective entity.

This event is real, it is planned, and it will happen no matter what, whether it is right on schedule, or sooner or later than expected.

Please spread this message as far as possible to better educate everyone about this event!

Love and Light,

Commander Adama

Commander Adama is a representative of the Galactic Federation of Light. He is the creator of the Galactic Federation of Light Yahoo Group. For those who wish to join, you may do so by going to this website:

He also writes weekly GFOL First Contact Updates and gives Spiritual Readings, and also has a wide variety of other services he offers. For more information about any of those, please go to:


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Screen Legend Paul Newman Dies at 83 of Cancer

WESTPORT, Conn. —  Paul Newman never much cared for what he once called the “rubbish” of Hollywood, choosing to live in a quiet community on the opposite corner of the U.S. map, staying with his wife of many years and — long after he became bored with acting — pursuing his dual passions of philanthropy and race cars.

Congressional Leaders, Bush Administration Agree on Framework for Bailout Plan

WASHINGTON —  Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative deal early Sunday on a landmark bailout of imperiled financial markets whose collapse could plunge the nation into a deep recession.

In 1984, Tom Clancy released his blockbuster novel, The Hunt for Red October, an edge-of-your seat thriller that skyrocketed him into international notoriety. The inspiration for that novel came from an obscure report by a US naval officer of a mutiny aboard a Soviet warship in the Baltic Sea. The Hunt for Red October actually happened, and Boris Gindin lived through every minute of it. After decades of silence and fear, Gindin has finally come forward to tell the entire story of the mutiny aboard the FFG Storozhevoy, the real-life Red October..

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